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December 19, 2014
One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small. For this new trailer for Tim McCann’s White Rabbit,…
December 12, 2014
Since “True Blood” ended its run on HBO, we’ve been wondering when we might see some of the cast members…
September 22, 2014
Breaking Glass Pictures will be releasing the French-Hong Kong film Red Nights on DVD and VOD (Comcast, Vubiquity, iTunes) on…
June 11, 2014
The documentary Killer Legends will be available on DVD nationwide July 1st from Breaking Glass Pictures, and right now we…
June 2, 2014
Post Thumb: /feb14/killer-legends-s.jpg This year’s crop of fictional horror films has been pretty disappointing so far, but maybe the documentary…
Uncategorized August 26, 2013
Post Thumb: /aug13/4-dead-girls-s.jpg If you thought your landlord was bad, take comfort in the fact that he or she could…
Uncategorized August 7, 2013
Post Thumb: /jun13/americanghoststorys.jpg Just in time for Breaking Glass Pictures and Vicious Circle Films’ August 20th DVD release of An…
Uncategorized June 28, 2013
Post Thumb: /jun13/americanghoststorys.jpg Breaking Glass Pictures and Vicious Circle Films have announced the August 20th DVD release of An American…
Uncategorized March 27, 2013
Post Thumb: /feb13/k11s.jpg Jules Stewart’s lunacy in prison opus K-11 is getting set to make its DVD and Blu-ray debut…
Uncategorized February 27, 2013
Post Thumb: /feb13/k11s.jpg If you’re heading to this weekend’s
August 12, 2012
Cover art: news/may12/scalenedvd.jpg Starring Margo Martindale, Hanna Hall, Adam Scarimbolo Directed by Zack Parker Distributed by Breaking Glass Pictures Chronologically…
Uncategorized May 25, 2012
Post Thumb: /may11/scalenethumb.jpg The long road to get Scalene out to the masses is almost over for indie filmmaker Zack…