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Thanks to Brian Yuzna's direction, 'Return of The Living Dead III' is a zombie film with a lot of heart.…

When you say “Stuart Gordon”, horror aficionados immediately think Re-Animator, From Beyond, Castle Freak… But fans of H.P. Lovecraft have…

Brian Yuzna’s third entry in the Re-Animator series, Beyond Re-Animator AKA Re-Animator Goes to Jail is heading home on Blu-ray…

One of the most original and f*cking fun indie-horror movies of the past few years is writer-director Jackson Stewarts Beyond…

We told you about Re-Animator: Evolution a while back. Mind you, this film has NOTHING to do with Stuart Gordon…

Starring Jeffrey Combs, Bruce Abbott, Barbara Crampton, David Gale Directed by Stuart Gordon Distributed by Arrow Video Somehow, someway, Stuart…

Re-animator Productions has locked down a deal with Creative Licensing to work on more merchandise options for the 1985 sci-fi/horror…

Brian Yuzna is set to reunite with 'The Dentist' star Corbin Bernsen for new horror film 'The Plastic Surgeon.'

Legendary horror director Brian Yuzna is set to release his debut novel 'The Pope', a horror thriller about a priest-killing…

The news of Re-Animator: Evolution has been the cause of much speculation over the past several days in the horror…