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Two weeks from today sees the release of Brightburn, a horror/superhero hybrid that essentially asks, “What if Superman were evil?”…

A couple of days ago, we shared a red-band, three-minute clip from the James Gunn-produced superhero horror movie Brightburn–and it…

Despite being promised an R-rated superhero adventure with horror undertones in Venom, Sony got cold feet, cut the most gruesome…

Despite being promised an R-rated superhero adventure with horror undertones in Venom, Sony got cold feet, cut the most grusome…

The premise of Brightburn seems relatively straight forward: What if a powerful extraterestrial like Superman came to Earth, but things…

The folks at Marvel and DC have been promising an R-rated superhero flick that ventures into horror territory for years,…

We knew virtually nothing about the James Gunn-produced superhero/horror mashup BrightBurn until the trailer dropped from the sky like a…

Trailer for James Gunn-Produced Superhero Horror BRIGHTBURN Hits Internet Following Brazil Comic-Con
What if Superman and Michael Myers had a baby? Following its premiere at the Comic-Con Experience in Brazil, a trailer…