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Post Thumb: /aug12/antivirals.jpg Just in time for its premiere at the upcoming Toronto International Film Festival, we’ve got the trailer…

Source Name: Toronto International Film Festival Source Url: Post Thumb: /jul12/tiff12.jpg With the Toronto International Film Festival just around…

Post Thumb: /apr12/byzs.jpg A new batch of imagery from Neil Jordan’s Byzantium is here, and finally we’re getting a bit…

Post Thumb: /apr12/byzs.jpg Yeah, it’s Monday, and we hate it just as much as you do. Sitting there staring off…

Post Thumb: /may12/antivs.jpg Brandon Cronenberg’s new film Antiviral has found itself some domestic distro via IFC Films so it won’t…

Post Thumb: /may12/antivs.jpg The first clip from Brandon Cronenberg’s new film Antiviral has hit the interwebs, and we have it…

Post Thumb: /may12/antivs.jpg Yep, there’s another image from Brandon Cronenberg’s Antiviral here for your perusal. Nope, we have no idea…

Post Thumb: /nov11/bc.jpg Time for another look at Brandon Cronenberg’s Antiviral, and as always the flick looks and sounds ……

Source Name: The Hollywood Reporter Source Url: Post Thumb: /apr12/byzs.jpg The name Jonny Lee Miller could very well be…

Post Thumb: /apr12/byzs.jpg Finally some artwork has arrived for Neil Jordan’s Byzantium, and it is wonderfully devoid of floating heads…

Post Thumb: /nov11/afmbyzs.jpg Bitten by a vampire and now spending the rest of eternity walking the Earth looking for something…