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Post Thumb: /sep12/bus.jpg Oh, Blue Underground. We love you so! The company that has delivered some of the horror genre’s…

Cover art: reviews/serving.jpg Starring Ross McCall, Susan Priver, Jude Ciccolella Directed by Henry Olek With a title like this, viewers…

Post Thumb: /aug12/servingthumb.jpg A new film about cannibals is heading our way from Dance On Productions entitled Serving Up Richard,…

Source Name: Variety Source Url: Post Thumb: /stock/cannibals.jpg Some new details have surfaced for Eli Roth’s directorial follow-up to…

Post Thumb: /mar12/poe2s.jpg Francis Xavier’s new film Poe now has an official release date, and in a new turn of…

Post Thumb: /apr11/poes.jpg Another new trailer for Francis Xavier’s maniacal tale of madness, Poe, has hit online, and we have…

We Are What We Are depicts to what extent people will go to survive in the decaying, violent slums of…

To go along with yesterday’s incredible one-sheet debut, the official trailer for IFC Midnight’s We Are What We Are, or…

Yet another great bit of artwork has surfaced online for IFC Midnight’s We Are What We Are, or Somos Lo…

Ah, the prospect of Mexi-cannibals. How we love thee. IFC Midnight’s We Are What We Are, or Somos Lo Que…

Now this is some artwork we can really get behind. No pensive faced floating heads. No overdone clichés. Just total…