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The most critically acclaimed and iconic Stephen King adaptation of all time is now available to stream for free! Don’t…

When this Stephen King reboot arrived in 2013, critics were harsh. Now that the horror movie is free to stream,…

Costume designer Charlotte Svenson on the horror homages that went into the "campy" aesthetic of 'Pretty Little Liars: Summer School'.

We look back on five of the most twisted and diabolical pranks from the archives of horror cinema, in observation…

From Carrie to Jennifer Check, these 10 killer women are bad guys, sure, but can you blame them? Read more…

From 'Desperation' to 'Salem's Lot (2004)' — watch Dread Central's video counting down the top 5 unfairly forgotten Stephen King…

We want more women monsters in genre and are celebrating some of the ones we have. Check out these five…

Stephen King is known for having countless adaptations of his work, to varying degrees of success. Here are 5 adaptations…

In a Dread Central exclusive, Mick Garris looks back at 5 of his favorite Stephen King movies (that he didn't…

Here's a killer list of the Five Scariest Horror Movie Moms to Fear This Mother's Day including Margaret White, The…