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With the 8th anniversary of 'Dead By Daylight' coming up, Behaviour Interactive has announced a ton of new content, including…

Castlevania: The Arcade was a first-person Castlevania arcade game released in 2009. This unique concept may have floundered in its…

We look at the Castlevania Advance Collection, a round-up of four classic Castlevania games, all in one place, for one…

We catch up with studio Tezcatek about kicking Dracula's butt in the Kickstarted retro pixel platformer Carpathian Night.

Limited Run Games has announced a huge crop of titles releasing physically this year. From Bloodrayne to Dusk, there's something…

%%title%% Limited Run Games has announced a huge crop of titles releasing physically this year. From Bloodrayne to Dusk, there's…

Check Out These Killer New Images from the upcoming Final Season of Netflix's hit animated adaptation of the classic video…

With skeletal bikers, lonely demons, and scary trees, the Castlevania series offers up a bizarre array of foes, and we've…

Footage of a working prototype of canceled Dreamcast title Castlevania: Resurrection was filmed and uploaded to YouTube over this weekend.

The delayed strike of Castlevania's whip may seem aggravating, but it turns out to be vital in creating fear in…