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Post Thumb: /sep12/castlevanias.jpg Konami has announced its special Halloween sale where gamers can get titles at over 50% off on…

Post Thumb: /sep12/castlevanias.jpg We’ve been talking about a film version of the Konami video game Castlevania for what feels like…

Post Thumb: /aug12/closs.jpg Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 is set to release for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC in 2013.…

This one slipped under the radar, as sometimes it is difficult to tell what is purely fantasy and what nosedives…

Genre staple James Wan just landed a gig that will most assuredly have lots of fans screaming, whipping, and tossing…

As an early Christmas presents for fans everywhere, IGN got word today that Paul W.S. Anderson is currently working on…

How the Nintendo Wii remains such a dominant force in the gaming community is beyond me. If you look down…

Here are the goods that NECA promised us a scant few days ago (“NECA’s Castlevania Figures” – August 2007); the…

NECA just dropped the first pics from their upcoming Castlevania toys, and I gotta say; they’re pretty damn cool. Not…

A while back we first reported, based on info from “inside”, that Paul WS Anderson was no longer at the…

You know a project is in trouble when Paul W.S. Anderson, a man who’s spent almost his entire career turning…