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Uncategorized April 20, 2014
Post Thumb: /apr14/chair-s.jpg The powers-that-be behind the film adaptation of Alterna Comics’ The Chair chose the right person to appear…
Uncategorized April 15, 2014
Post Thumb: /apr14/chair-s.jpg More casting news has come in for the latest comic book adaptation headed our way! Read on…
Uncategorized April 3, 2014
Post Thumb: /dec13/thechairs.jpg As promised a few days when we got the first bit of casting news for the feature…
Uncategorized March 26, 2014
Post Thumb: /dec13/thechairs.jpg At the end of last year we got the early details on a feature adaptation of one…
Uncategorized December 19, 2013
Post Thumb: /dec13/thechairs.jpg Some exciting news landed in our inbox with regard to an upcoming comic-to-film adaptation. What we have…
October 3, 2012
Cover art: reviews/ghoulsuk.jpg Starring Timothy Muskatell, Joe Pilato, Tina Birchfield, James Gunn, Stephen Blackehart Directed by Chad Ferrin Distributed by…
September 27, 2012
Cover art: reviews/unspeakable.jpg Starring Roger Cline, Tamera Noll, Leigh Silver, Timothy Muskatell Directed by Chad Ferrin Distributed by Cine Du…
Uncategorized May 3, 2011
Source Name: Blood Disgusting Selects Source Url: Post Thumb: /may11/chops.jpg And Bloody Disgusting Selects snags itself yet another distro…
Uncategorized November 13, 2010
Back in 2000 Troma released Chad Ferrin’s Unspeakable, and now the writer/director is making the flick available for any and…
Uncategorized August 23, 2010
Some more goodies have come to light regarding indie maven Trent Haaga’s (writer of the acclaimed flick Deadgirl) latest slice…
Uncategorized August 6, 2010
We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again … director Chad Ferrin is a friggin’ PSYCHO! Need proof? How…
Uncategorized June 15, 2010
With another successfully insane movie under his belt,