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Source Name: Cinefex Source Url: Post Thumb: /dec11/promethposters.jpg While we all wait patiently for the official Blu-ray and DVD…
Source Name: Weyland Investor on Twitter Source Url: Post Thumb: /dec11/promethposters.jpg We just have to ask, does every single…
Post Thumb: /jul12/snowbluthumb.jpg The deadly “dark forest” has been a horror movie staple for years, and the latest to employ…
Source Name: BBFC Source Url: Post Thumb: /dec11/promethposters.jpg Never underestimate the gumption of an obsessed horror fan! Some cats…
Source Name: The Hollywood Reporter Source Url: Post Thumb: /dec11/promethposters.jpg A sequel to
Post Thumb: /jul12/snowbluthumb.jpg One of the biggest surprises of the year thus far was Rupert Sanders’
Post Thumb: /dec11/promethposters.jpg There’s no doubt about it. The most jarring thing to be found within the movie
Post Thumb: /aug11/mppthumb.jpg Since Prometheus debuted a few weeks ago, we’ve had viral videos, alien language translations, and walkthroughs all…
Source Name: Movie Buzz on YouTube Source Url: Post Thumb: /dec11/promethposters.jpg If there’s one thing that Ridley Scott’s
Source Name: The Bioscopist Source Url: Post Thumb: /dec11/promethposters.jpg Prometheus has been in theatres for a few weeks now,…
Source Name: Prometheus Forum Source Url: Post Thumb: /dec11/promethposters.jpg Some new images from Ridley Scott’s