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Uncategorized December 7, 2010
And it’s a race to get all of the found footage alien flicks into the starting gates for 2011, which…
Uncategorized December 5, 2010
Finally after months of rocking semi-centered slightly blurry looks at the teaser posters for both [REC]: Genesis and [REC]: Apocalypse…
Uncategorized December 2, 2010
One film that will be gracing the screen at the Sundance Film Festival that we’re dying to see is Troll…
Uncategorized December 2, 2010
Opening today in Singapore cinemas is Lee Cheol-ha’s cinéma-vérité spooker extravaganza with quite probably the lamest title ever unleashed on…
Uncategorized November 28, 2010
The Norwegian PR company behind the monster mash Troll Hunter is whipping a copious amount of Troll ass and you…
November 26, 2010
One of the dozens of films we brought you the first word about out of this year’s AFM, the new…
Uncategorized November 24, 2010
Talk about hitting the fast track. It seems as if The Weinsteins are releasing new stuff for their upcoming found…
Uncategorized November 23, 2010
If science and movies have taught us one thing, it’s that gene-splicing and playing God is never a good thing.…
Uncategorized November 19, 2010
Every single thing we see from The Troll Hunter makes us wish this movie were right here, right now, in…
Uncategorized November 18, 2010
Found footage films continue to find their niche within the genre, and we’re totally cool with that as long as…
Uncategorized November 16, 2010
One haunted flick we’ve been curious about for a while now has been Amanda Gusack’s cinéma-vérité style spooker, In Memorium.…
Uncategorized November 10, 2010
With the announcement of the pulling of the plug yesterday on Roland Emmerich’s found footage flick, The Zone, Warner Brothers…