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Source Name: Source Url: Post Thumb: /aug11/frightrags.jpg This writer’s love for horror-themed t-shirts is second only to my…

Source Name: Total Skull Source Url: Post Thumb: /aug11/tsthumb.jpg Back to school time is just a few weeks away,…

Super7 has announced the launch of a new t-shirt that should appeal to Friday the 13th fans. It’s a typography…

Ever since I can remember, I’ve always been in love with Rotten Cotton t-shirts. They’ve been around, hell, longer than…

If there are any horror authors out there who deserve their own t-shirt lines, we’d say Stephen King would be…

Still looking for Christmas gifts for those hard to shop for people on your list? Just in time for the…

Wondering what to get that hard to buy for person on your holiday shopping list? T-shirts are always a popular…

Our friends at Threadless Tees are in the midst of their “Black Hole Friday” sale, and as part of this…

We know that Dread Central readers are a discriminating lot when it comes to the clothing they wear so we…

Our friends at Threadless Tees have announced an awesome sale on all their Halloween (i.e., horror-themed) t-shirts that runs from…

If there’s one thing we love around here, it’s horror memorabilia. From models and figurines to posters and clothing, horror…