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Will the devil continue his winning box office ways in 2011? We’ll find out when Mikael Hafstrom (1408) dishes out…

The devil has never been hotter at the box office! Take THAT, God! Where is your big moviegoing bankroll, huh?…

Sir Anthony Hopkins has one of the most sinister and recognizable faces our industry has ever known. And now? Now…

The power of Christ has compelled Warner Brothers to release the official one-sheet for their latest demonic flick, The Rite,…

Films about exorcists and exorcisms are pretty tricky to pull off. Sure, it’s easy to go the head-spinning and pea-soup-spitting…

The power of Christ must have compelled Warner Brothers to finally get the trailer for their latest demonic flick, The…

The cast for Mikael Hafstrom’s adaptation of Matt Baglio’s novel The Rite has increased threefold with the addition of Alice…