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Been a long day? On the outs with your honey during the zombie apocalypse? Got some red on you? Time…

Back during the annual Toy Fair, Mezco made some pretty cool announcements about their upcoming Cinema of Fear lineup, but…

Those of you out there who are serious collectors likely know the name Mego. Back in the 1970’s, Mego were…

Gentle Giant Studios has been floating around out with the other toy companies for a while now, slowly building a…

If there’s one thing I wish stores like Target and such would carry more of, it’d be Hellboy stuff. I…

The last time we looked at SOTA Toys‘ upcoming 14″ tall resin Cthulhu statue, we knew it was coming in…

Hitting the 2007 San Diego Comic Con is always a psychotic ride for any reporter. For someone covering horror toys…