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Uncategorized November 24, 2011
Source Name: Rob Zombie on Facebook Source Url: Post Thumb: /may11/salem.jpg Know who else is working on Thanksgiving Day?…
Uncategorized November 21, 2011
Source Name: Rob Zombie on Facebook Source Url: Post Thumb: /may11/salem.jpg When Heather sent over the news last night…
September 1, 2010
Reviewed by The Foywonder Starring Larry Blamire, Fay Masterson, Andrew Parks, Susan McConnell, Jennifer Blaire, Daniel Roebuck Written and directed…
March 5, 2009
It seems like every single day there’s something new to report on concerning Rob Zombie’s Halloween 2. The scary part? We’re…
Uncategorized January 14, 2009
Arguably one of the best parts about Rob Zombie’s Halloween was Danielle Harris. Say what you want about the movie;…
Uncategorized May 7, 2008
While we patiently await the release of The Lost Skeleton Returns Again, the sequel to Larry Blamire’s The Lost Skeleton…
Uncategorized December 7, 2007
The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra was one of those cult movies so tailored to a particular cross section of the…
Uncategorized July 10, 2007
So the guys who made Bryan Loves You, the movie about a cult who took over a small town in…
March 6, 2007
Bryan is your friend. Bryan is sane. He wants nothing but the best for you. You see, as the title…
October 19, 2006
Word has come down from the producers behind the indie cult horror film Bryan Loves You that, after setbacks and…
July 24, 2006
Even though we’re always hesitant when it comes to indie horror — we’ve all been burned too many times by…