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Much like 300, the flick Immortals is one of those movies that just make your manhood feel a bit heavier…

Source Name: “Teen Wolf” on Facebook Source Url: Post Thumb: /may11/teenwolfs.jpg Several behind-the-scenes photos from the currently filming Season…

Source Name: MTV Source Url: Post Thumb: /may11/teenwolfs.jpg The second season of the way better than it had any…

Post Thumb: /apr11/imms.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/gallery/immortals/immortalsc1x’, ‘/gallery/immortals/immortalsc2x’, ‘/gallery/immortals/immortalsc3x’, ‘/gallery/immortals/immortalsc4x’, ‘/gallery/immortals/immortalsc5x’, ‘/gallery/immortals/immortalsc6x’, ‘/gallery/immortals/immortalsc7x’, ‘/gallery/immortals/immortalsc8x’, ‘/gallery/immortals/immortalsc9x’, ‘/gallery/immortals/immortalsc10x’, ‘/gallery/immortals/immortalsc11x’, ‘/gallery/immortals/immortalsc12x’, ‘/gallery/immortals/immortalsc13x’, ‘/gallery/immortals/immortalsc14x’, ‘/gallery/immortals/immortalsc15x’,…

Source Name: Yahoo! Movies Source Url: Post Thumb: /apr11/imms.jpg A new clip has surfaced for the upcoming Immortals in…

Source Name: Immortals on Facebook Source Url: Post Thumb: /apr11/imms.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/gallery/immortals/immortalsb1x’, ‘/gallery/immortals/immortalsb2x’, ‘/gallery/immortals/immortalsb3x’, ‘/gallery/immortals/immortalsb4x’, ‘/gallery/immortals/immortalsb5x’, ‘/gallery/immortals/immortalsb6x’, ‘/gallery/immortals/immortalsb7x’,…

Post Thumb: /apr11/imms.jpg Relativity has unleashed a third trailer (which they’re calling 2D Trailer #2) for Tarsem Singh’s upcoming Immortals,…

Post Thumb: /stock/comiccon.jpg “The creators of 300 bring you …” You could follow those words with just about anything and…

Post Thumb: /stock/comiccon.jpg The San Diego Comic-Con Immortals panel is being held on Saturday, July 23rd, so of course the…

Post Thumb: /stock/comiccon.jpg In advance of the Immortals panels being held this Thursday, July 21st, and Saturday, July 23rd, at…

Source Name: KyteTV Source Url: Post Thumb: /apr11/imms.jpg It’s safe to say that the hype train for the Immortals…