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Source Name: Los Angeles Times Source Url:,0,546156.story Post Thumb: /may13/day-of-the-dead-blu-ray-s.jpg The George A. Romero classic Day of the Dead…

Post Thumb: /may13/day-of-the-dead-blu-ray-s.jpg The Scream Factory has released a list of special features for its upcoming Blu-ray release of the…

Post Thumb: /may13/day-of-the-dead-blu-ray-s.jpg The Scream Factory has dated its upcoming Blu-ray release of the George A. Romero classic Day of…

Source Name: The Scream! Factory on Facebook Source Url: Post Thumb: /may12/scrfs.jpg Things have been hopping over on the…

Post Thumb: /apr13/day-of-the-dead-s.jpg Over the years we’ve seen a lot of variations of artwork for the George A. Romero classic…

Post Thumb: /apr13/roger-ebert.jpg It’s a crying shame that Roger Ebert will never get to see and review the upcoming films…

Post Thumb: /may12/scrfs.jpg The Fog! The Howling! The Burning! Day of the Dead! Night of the Comet! Lifeforce! Coming to…

Source Name: Truly Disturbing Source Url: Post Thumb: /jul12/pilato.jpg There’s not a single zombie fan on this planet who…

Source Name: Variety Source Url: Post Thumb: /feb12/gdt.jpg Guillermo del Toro is a filmmaker with lots on his plate.…

Post Thumb: /may12/hudsonhorrors.jpg They’ve screened some of the grossest, most taboo, obscure and then again classic and memorable films in…

Post Thumb: /feb12/hudhorror5s.jpg A 12-hour horror marathon isn’t something that happens every day. But our friends at Hudson Horror Show…