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Uncategorized August 26, 2011
Source Name: Deadline Source Url: Post Thumb: /studios/thecw.jpg You know why we love Eric Kripke? He always gets his…
Uncategorized December 6, 2010
And the comics scene continues to be mined for its latest and greatest characters that could translate into big money…
Uncategorized March 12, 2010
Do you have an extra 80 cents to spare and want to try out a new comic book series? Look…
Uncategorized December 22, 2009
Take the Southern fried swaggery charm of True Blood and replace the vampires and werewolves with zombies; cannibalistic, robotic nightmares;…
Uncategorized December 11, 2009
DC Comics/WildStorm Productions and Electronic Arts will take comic book fans and gamers alike on a journey through the gates…
Uncategorized November 26, 2009
Marvel Zombies was a heavily promoted event in our comic universe. While the moments within the pages were skillfully worked…
Uncategorized October 21, 2009
Akiva Goldsman is a name almost universally reviled amongst the online movie geek community. Inside Hollywood, the Oscar-winning screenwriter is…
Uncategorized January 6, 2009
Now this is an odd turn of events; THR reported this morning that Horton Hears a Who director Jimmy Hayward…
Uncategorized November 20, 2008
The sick minds behind Crank and Pathology, Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor, could not settle their creative differences with the…
Uncategorized March 21, 2008
STYD got word today that Warner Brothers has officially given the thumbs-up on the script for the upcoming film Jonah…
Uncategorized July 24, 2007
When you have a character named Jonah Hex, you really can’t make it without some supernatural elements, can you? I…