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Unwanted guests. You know how it goes. You invite someone over, maybe once or twice, then sort out that you’d…

This week marks the theatrical release of Deliver Us from Evil, the latest horror film from Sinister director Scott Derrickson.…

Source Name: The Daily Mail Source Url: Post Thumb: /jul14/gasp-menagerie.jpg This story comes out of Mexico, and it’s a…

Source Name: The Tracking Board Source Url: Post Thumb: /stock/demons.jpg I briefly attended Lincoln High in Brooklyn, New York,…

Post Thumb: /mar14/jezebeth-2-s.jpg Another Jezebeth flick in on the way entitled Jezebeth 2: Hour of the Gun, and we’ve got…

Post Thumb: /oct11/tc.jpg Five years after we first posted about Satan’s Playground director Dante Tomaselli’s Torture Chamber, the film is…

Post Thumb: /stock/demons.jpg Stop blaming the dog for your bad gas; blame demons! I thought I’d heard everything in the…

Post Thumb: /jun13/taco-hell.jpg Like us, haven’t you long suspected that all Taco Bells are portals to the warped dimensions of…

Post Thumb: /may13/demons-steelbook-s.jpg Okay, kids. Time to drool a little bit as we’re about to show you two amazing packages…

Source Name: The Jamaica Star Source Url: Post Thumb: /stock/demons.jpg Hot on the heels of yesterday’s story regarding false…

Post Thumb: /jan13/demons.jpg The news that Synapse Films is going to release Lamberto Bava’s cult Italian splatterfest Demons to Blu-ray…