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Seth Rogen has spent nearly his entire career making us laugh at the movies, but he’s never really crossed over…

Every good movie needs an annoying character whom we love to hate. Whether it be to experience the joy of…

It’s been a while since last we spoke about Hollywood’s bid to turn the board game Monsterpocalypse into a big…

More casting news coming in for Craig Gillespie’s 3D remake of the classic Tom Holland vampire opus, Fright Night. A…

Some interesting news coming out of an interview with the man who will be playing Evil Ed in Craig Gillespie’s…

In New Mexico and looking for your fifteen minutes of fame? Then why not try your hand at becoming a…

DreamWorks announced today a release date of October 7th, 2011 for Craig Gillespie’s very different take on the Tom Holland…

Well today’s slow news stream is finally picking up a bit of steam as some more casting news has come…

Hollywood has rifled through graphic novels, plundered through video games, and remade everything it could possibly think of. What’s next?…

You know, the more we hear about the upcoming Fright Night remake, the less we’re starting to mind it. If…

Some more tidbits coming to light today concerning the upcoming remake of the Tom Holland classic, including just where all…