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The near shot-for-shot remake of the Spanish Horror it [REC], Quarantine, was released on this day in 2008. At the…

Post Thumb: /apr14/as-above-so-below-s.jpg Found cameras have documented some pretty evil things in the genre’s recent past, from paranormal possessions to…

Source Name: Deadline Source Url: Post Thumb: /aug13/jerins-sterling.jpg More casting news has come rolling in for the Dowdle brothers’…

Source Name: The Hollywood Reporter Source Url: Post Thumb: /oct13/lake-bell.jpg Yet more casting news has arrived for the Dowdle…

Source Name: Variety Source Url: Post Thumb: /studios/legendary.jpg The found footage subgenre continues to press on despite many saying…

Source Name: Deadline Source Url: Post Thumb: /may12/mmon.jpg There’s more casting news coming in for the Dowdle brothers’ (Quarantine)…

Source Name: Variety Source Url:|News|LatestNews Post Thumb: /apr12/brosnan.jpg More casting news has come in for the Dowdle brothers’ (Quarantine)…

Source Name: Deadline Source Url: Post Thumb: /apr12/owen.jpg It’s been two years since last we mentioned anything regarding the…

It’s been about two years since last we spoke to the Dowdle brothers concerning their next feature The Coup. Sometimes…

How many folks here are looking forward to spending Christmas with the Devil? Anyone? Well if you missed the Shyamalan…

Did you see the M. Night Shyamalan produced flick Devil in theatres? Judging from the film’s box office tally, probably…