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The future of independent horror looks bright, with so many DIY filmmakers pursuing their demented dreams on their own accord.…

Starring Steve Rimpici, Haley Madison, Se Marie Directed by Steve Rudzinski 2016 has saw several excellent releases in genre cinema;…

Remember the glory days of PG horror with some edge? I’m talking about movies like Something Wicked This Way Comes,…

Indie maestros Dustin Mills and Dave Parker have unleashed their family-friendly anthology, Halloween Spookies, for free.

Post Thumb: /feb14/skinlesss.jpg After bursting onto the scene with films like The Puppet Monster Massacre and Bath Salt Zombies, indie…

Post Thumb: /jul13/theatrederangedii.jpg It’s been awhile since we last heard anything about Theatre of the Deranged II, but things appear…

Post Thumb: /jun11/pmms.jpg Been jonesing for a new splatter-filled puppet flick ever since Meet the Feebles? Filmmaker Dustin Mills may…