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We told you about The Elf a few days ago and the machine behind this newest yuletide no-goodnik is doing…

What a dream job this guy has. Peter Chevako, who worked with Alterian Ghost Factory, Inc., on Cult of Chucky…

It’s the beginning of October so we figured now would be a great time to start doling out some free…

The 100% pure nightmare fuel that is Annabelle: Creation is coming to home video just in time for Halloween, and…

Still relatively fresh from its crowd-pleasing appearance at the 2017 Horror Channel FrightFest, Dominic Bridges’ darkly funny home invasion flick…

One of the best found-footage horror flicks out there, Hell House, LLC, is getting itself a director’s cut this October…

We’ve been talking about Emmy Award-winning director Ryan Bellgardt’s new creature feature Gremlin for a while now, and finally it’s…

Just a few days back we told you that Amityville: The Awakening would be debuting exclusively for free for a…

As promised, we have another hefty release list for you this week, friends. There’s a good amount of classic stuff…

Rolfe Kanefsky’s The Black Room is getting set to hit Blu-ray tomorrow, and to celebrate its arrival, we have some…