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April 14, 2017
Before Stargate, Godzilla, Independence Day, and a slew of disasterporn flicks, Roland Emmerich made smaller, tighter films such as 1985’s…
April 14, 2017
You know what we love around these parts? A new Edgar Allan Poe adaptation. So we’re glad to announce that…
April 13, 2017
Straight from a time when movie titles didn’t have to make a lick of sense comes the lost flick Voodoo Black…
April 13, 2017
No, I’m not making a “Rick and Morty” reference… although how cool would it be if that were the case?…
April 11, 2017
Arrow Films… oh how we love thee! The distributor just sent over the goods on their upcoming releases of Evil…
April 11, 2017
I never thought I’d see the day when Blackenstein, a movie which created a monster by squaring an afro, would…
April 11, 2017
Sometimes artists churn out the kind of cover art that makes you drool… It doesn’t matter what the content of…
April 11, 2017
Hello again, my friends. There is so much going on this weekend it’s kind of ridiculous. Last week I told…
April 10, 2017
Did you miss M. Night Shyamalan’s Split (review) in theaters? Yes? Then you need to right that wrong like yesterday…
April 10, 2017
In anticipation of the home video release of the latest chapter in the Underworld franchise, Underworld: Blood Wars, we have…
April 5, 2017
On May 16th Breaking Glass Pictures is releasing the zombie action flick Breakdown Lane on DVD and VOD, which means…
April 5, 2017
United Front Entertainment and Black Fawn Distribution have announced the acquisition of another film from Canadian studio Breakthrough Entertainment and…