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I’ve come to expect pure madness from Devolver Digital. Publishers of games like Hotline Miami, Shadow Warrior, and Enter the Gungeon,…

Another The Walking Dead game, huh? Almost seems… kind of quaint at this point. Years ago, waves of zombie media hit the…

Oh boy, I get to write another article about Spiders! I love games made by Spiders. Everything they make is…

I’ll admit, it raised an eyebrow when I got the invite to check out The Surge 2 at E3 2018. “Really?” I thought…

I think the biggest compliment you can give a horror title is that it made you scared of something. Jaws made you…

The year was 2017. E3 was in full swing, and in usual fashion I was trudging from appointment to appointment…

Now available for pre-order, $59.99 On the Xbox One, PS4, and PC Release: Early 2019 Attention all Bloodborne and Dark…

It’s XCOM, but with a mutant duck. Okay, fine, I’m being a bit reductionist, but do you really need anything…

Oh zombies, will we ever stop loving you? They’re the perfect mix of infinitely spawning, moderately menacing, and entertaining to…

I’ve always enjoyed the Russian approach to the nuclear apocalypse. While Western markets envision a battle royale of bondage gear…

E3 2018 has drawn to a close and 4 members of Team Dread Central are utterly satisfied and thoroughly exhausted!…