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Uncategorized September 30, 2008
When I was visiting EA the other month to check out Dead Space and meet some of the people behind…
Uncategorized September 15, 2008
We’ve been all over EA’s upcoming survival horror game
Uncategorized September 9, 2008
Just a quick update on what is looking like one of the best horror titles this generation. Shack News reports…
Uncategorized August 26, 2008
The team behind the upcoming survival horror game Dead Space apparently have a much larger story than even a prequel…
Uncategorized August 22, 2008
In this part of space … everyone will hear you scream! That’s because after you’ve had your nerves shattered while…
Uncategorized August 12, 2008
Dead Space isn’t as surprising now as it was when it was first revealed. A game coming from a creatively…
Uncategorized August 8, 2008
So EA was kind enough to fly me out to the west coast to visit their studios and to check…
Uncategorized August 1, 2008
There’s no question Dead Space is one title that fans of the survival horror genre have been clamoring for. So…
Uncategorized August 1, 2008
We just got a heads up from the good folks at EA Games that two new video pieces are now…
Uncategorized July 27, 2008
On October 21st, EA Games is going to unleash one of the most anticipated horror video games of the year,…
Uncategorized July 15, 2008
Could it be? A trailer for a video game that was so extreme, it was actually banned? That’s what EA…
Uncategorized July 14, 2008
We love James Wan around these parts. Not only has he made a few kickass horror films, but he’s also…