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Uncategorized September 11, 2008
We told you a few weeks ago about Joss Whedon’s plan to
Uncategorized July 23, 2008
In a very strange twist of events, Joss Whedon has decided that his newest show for Fox, “Dollhouse”, will air…
Uncategorized May 16, 2008
Our man “Hunter” just gave us another heads up, this time pointing us to Wired Magazine’s blog, which landed itself…
Uncategorized May 12, 2008
Hey, all you Joss Whedon junkies, whose number I proudly count myself among. As you may have noticed, there’s more…
Uncategorized February 26, 2008
I hate to say it, but I’ve never heard of Open Graves before today. No, not Open Grave, the Eduardo…
Uncategorized November 1, 2007
Despite almost making it big in movies, his Wonder Woman gig has been indefinitely shut down, so Joss Whedon is…
Uncategorized October 9, 2007
How often have you heard about a film based on a real series of killing actually helping to solve the…
May 18, 2007
Eliza Dushku and Cary Elwes have returned to the horror genre in a rather interesting true crime story, The Alphabet…
January 26, 2007
We’ve been following Rob Schmidt’s return to the director’s chair after Wrong Turn, a cool sounding movie called The Alphabet…
December 7, 2006
Rob Schmidt knows a good thing when it’s staring him in the face. He got to spend some time in…
September 21, 2006
Ever on the path for new Masters of Horror info, Fango got to chat up Wrong Turn helmer Rob Schmidt…