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Source Name: The IMP Awards Source Url: Post Thumb: /sep11/rls.jpg On tap for you right now is the latest…

Post Thumb: /dec11/sundance12.jpg The long awaited flick from Buried director Rodrigo Cortes, Red Lights, has been flashing its wares all…

Source Name: Kino Gallery Source Url: Post Thumb: /stock/slasher.jpg Two girls – Amanda Seyfried and Elizabeth Olsen. Two movies…

Post Thumb: /oct11/silenthouse.jpg Another image has come our way for Chris Kentis and Laura Lau’s (Open Water) English language remake…

Source Name: Yahoo! Movies Source Url: Post Thumb: /oct11/silenthouse.jpg A new trailer in support of Chris Kentis and Laura…

Post Thumb: /may11/mmms.jpg One movie we’ve been a bit hit or miss in our coverage of is Sean Durkin’s Martha…

Post Thumb: /oct11/silenthouse.jpg In anticipation of the March 9th, 2012, release of Silent House, Chris Kentis and Laura Lau’s (Open…

Post Thumb: /dec11/sundance12.jpg Each year at the Sundance Film Festival big things happen to keep you excited all year. Films…

Post Thumb: /oct11/silenthouse.jpg A new image from Chris Kentis and Laura Lau’s (Open Water) English language remake of the one-take…

Post Thumb: /sep11/rls.jpg Cillian Murphy is a much beloved actor around these parts, and that’s why we find it thoroughly…

Post Thumb: /oct11/silenthouse.jpg Looking forward to Chris Kentis and Laura Lau’s (Open Water) English language remake of La Casa Muda,…