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Post Thumb: /jul11/chopthumb.jpg The 2011 Fantasia Film Festival is in full swing up in Montreal, Canada, and of course Trembles…

Starring Sayoko Oho, Miyu Yagyu, Ryoko Takizawa Directed by Naoki Hashimoto The maiming and ball bludgeoning typical of most films…

Directed by Robert Morgan We only occasionally review shorts here at Dread Central, but there are some filmmakers that we…

Starring Josh Hutcherson, Dane Cook, Spencer Locke, Parker Bagley Directed by Joseph Kahn I didn’t want to like Detention. The…

Post Thumb: /may11/fantasiathumb.jpg Don’t all great things happen at High Noon? Can you name me one big time, Old West…

Starring Christopher Lee, Graham McTavish, Honeysuckle Weeks, Clive Russell, and Henry Garrett Directed by Robin Hardy Your response to The…

Starring Cillian Murphy, Jamie Bell, and Thandie Newton Directed by Carl Tibbetts Retreat is an impressive effort for first time…

Starring Guilford Adams, Elissa Dowling, James Gill, Lindsay Goranson, Udo Kier, Tom Savini, Debbie Rochon Directed by Douglas Buck, Buddy…

Source Name: Bloody Disgusting Source Url: Post Thumb: /may11/wickert.jpg Interesting news coming out of this year’s Fantasia International Film…

Source Name: Fantasia International Film Festival Source Url: Post Thumb: /jul11/victimss.jpg Another indie flick which is making its way…

Source Name: Fantasia International Film Festival Source Url: Post Thumb: /may11/fantasiathumb.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/jul11/wtree1’, ‘/jul11/wtree2’, ‘/jul11/wtree3’, ‘/jul11/wtree4’, ‘/jul11/wtree5’, ‘/jul11/wtree6’,…