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Post Thumb: /apr14/fever-s.jpg We’ve been talking about Romain Basset’s debut feature Fever for a few years now, and our excitement…
Post Thumb: /sep12/fievres.jpg We’ve given you the information as we’ve gotten it about the upcoming Roman Basset film Fievre. You…
Post Thumb: /nov11/fevers.jpg Some new stills from Romain Basset’s French horror film Fever (Fievre) have landed in our mailbox along…
Post Thumb: /nov11/fevers.jpg We recently dropped the news that Lilly-Fleur Pointeaux and Gala Besson were the newest lovely ladies added…
Post Thumb: /feb12/fevers.jpg We just received news from the Oh My Gore! production team that two new lovely ladies, Lilly-Fleur…
Post Thumb: /nov11/fevers.jpg Some pretty nifty concept art for the new flick from Romain Basset, Fever, has hit the interwebs…
Post Thumb: /nov11/fevers.jpg Director Romain Basset is chomping at the bit to get the word out on his debut feature…