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October 18, 2016
Starring Mia Faith, Kris Lemche, David Alpay, Carrie Genzel, Brigid Brannagh, Dimitri Diatchenko Directed by Jay Lender and Micah Wright…
September 20, 2016
Some new images from Lake of Shadows: The Legend of Avocado Lake have come our way, and they feature a…
September 15, 2016
We’ve been excited for Lake of Shadows: The Legend of Avocado Lake since its announcement, and now we’ve got some…
August 24, 2016
I recently had the chance to catch UK director Paul McGhie’s found footage feature debut Webcast (review here) and really enjoyed its…
August 23, 2016
Dread Central's ARI DREW reviews WEBCAST, an independent found footage horror flick from the UK directed by Paul McGhie.
August 23, 2016
Whether you’re a fan of the original or not, you have to appreciate the lengths that Lionsgate went to so that…
August 19, 2016
Somewhere in California, there’s a lake where many, many people have drowned. So naturally, a documentary crew set out to…
August 12, 2016
Directed by Mark Edwin Robinson Starring Johanna Braddy, Lili Mirojnick, and Morgan Krantz Distributed by Lionsgate Films At this point,…
March 21, 2016
When you talk about the “original” found footage films, Man Bites Dog and The Blair Witch Project get most of the…
December 2, 2015
The found footage sub-genre often gets a bum rap because the problem isn’t with the filmmaking style so much as…
October 9, 2015
Word of a new found footage film landed in our inbox, and while that sub-genre has seen better days, in…
August 7, 2015
Starring Adrian Tofei, Sonia Teodoriu, Florentina Hariton, Alexandra Stroe Directed by Adrian Tofei Be My Cat: A Film for Anne…