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Once again the old adage “If you cast Will Smith, they will come” has been proven this weekend; Francis Lawrence’s…

What’s with this sudden trend of putting up the opening minutes of a film online? Whatever happened to good old-fashioned…

Reviewed by Andrew Kasch Starring Will Smith Directed by Francis Lawrence I Am Legend is the great American horror novel.…

With I Am Legend looming closer and closer on the horror horizon there’s been a bit of speculation as to…

CHUD‘s Devin Faraci has informed readers that he knows Will Smith’s upcoming horror pic I Am Legend has undergone some…

The second trailer for Will Smith’s “last man on Earth” film I Am Legend was leaked earlier today to Worst…

All right, I take back my trepidations about I Am Legend, at least temporarily. The trailer was just posted over…

Oh, man, I’m really smelling some kind of flop of disastrous proportions from I Am Legend for some reason. Maybe…

Sometimes we get the coolest stuff from the areas you would not expect. Back in January when I Am Legend…