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Uncategorized December 16, 2007
Once again the old adage “If you cast Will Smith, they will come” has been proven this weekend; Francis Lawrence’s…
Uncategorized December 13, 2007
What’s with this sudden trend of putting up the opening minutes of a film online? Whatever happened to good old-fashioned…
December 12, 2007
Reviewed by Andrew Kasch Starring Will Smith Directed by Francis Lawrence I Am Legend is the great American horror novel.…
Uncategorized December 6, 2007
With I Am Legend looming closer and closer on the horror horizon there’s been a bit of speculation as to…
Uncategorized November 15, 2007
CHUD‘s Devin Faraci has informed readers that he knows Will Smith’s upcoming horror pic I Am Legend has undergone some…
Uncategorized October 24, 2007
The second trailer for Will Smith’s “last man on Earth” film I Am Legend was leaked earlier today to Worst…
Uncategorized June 8, 2007
All right, I take back my trepidations about I Am Legend, at least temporarily. The trailer was just posted over…
Uncategorized June 7, 2007
Though something tells me this is going to be one of those films historians point to as to how not…
April 25, 2007
Oh, man, I’m really smelling some kind of flop of disastrous proportions from I Am Legend for some reason. Maybe…
April 3, 2007
Sometimes we get the coolest stuff from the areas you would not expect. Back in January when I Am Legend…
January 24, 2007
It is 7pm on January 23rd. The air is crisp as winter has set in. I’m at the South Street…
January 14, 2007
No vampires, no desolation, just Will Smith and a dog; that’s all we get from Warner Bros. for the first…