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Uncategorized October 13, 2010
There’s no doubt in the fans’ minds that “The Walking Dead” will be nothing short of an epic event, and…
Uncategorized October 11, 2010
Zero hour is almost upon us, and the dead are ready to rise! That’s right, kids! The premiere of “The…
Uncategorized October 11, 2010
Adding to the craziness of both the season and the Big Apple this weekend was the New York Comic Con…
Uncategorized October 5, 2010
Every year AMC TV hosts a rather kick-ass horror movie marathon to usher in the most chilling night of the…
Uncategorized October 4, 2010
Last week AMC’s awesome “The Walking Dead” supplemental materials answered the question Who Is Rick Grimes? Now we have a…
Uncategorized October 1, 2010
Man, AMC works fast! Just a couple of hours after debuting the comic-to-screen video, two more have popped up that…
Uncategorized October 1, 2010
AMC released a brand new video for its upcoming shambling series “The Walking Dead” today, and just like the others…
Uncategorized September 27, 2010
Here at Dread Central we pride ourselves on being very fan-centric. In short, whenever a horror fan goes above and…
Uncategorized September 24, 2010
Today AMC announced details of “The Walking Dead” panel event taking place at the New York Comic Con on Sunday,…
Uncategorized September 21, 2010
An official one-sheet has reared its head for AMC’s “The Walking Dead”, and we’ve got it right here – cold…
Uncategorized September 17, 2010
A fifth teaser trailer has reared its head for AMC’s “The Walking Dead”, and we’ve got it right here –…
Uncategorized September 12, 2010
This week’s “Fall Television Preview” of Entertainment Weekly yielded yet another image from the upcoming television adaptation of Robert Kirkman’s…