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Uncategorized July 15, 2010
Now this is what we’ve been waiting for! A fully assembled hero shot of the cast thus far getting ready…
Uncategorized July 13, 2010
A new promotional Comic-Con one-sheet for Frank Darabont’s adaptation of the Robert Kirkman zombie epic “The Walking Dead” has debuted…
Uncategorized July 9, 2010
And the must-see events taking place at the 2010 San Diego Comic-Con on
Uncategorized July 6, 2010
Can’t get enough of “The Walking Dead”? We can’t either. The network bringing us the goods this October, AMC, has…
Uncategorized July 5, 2010
We told you a while back that prolific director Frank Darabont would only be directing the pilot episode of his…
Uncategorized July 2, 2010
More on-set images of the ultra low resolution variety have hit online pertaining to Frank Darabont’s adaptation of the Robert…
Uncategorized June 28, 2010
If there’s anyone on the planet who knows what it takes to make a bitchin’ looking zombie, it’s Greg Nicotero…
Uncategorized June 24, 2010
Yet another role from the acclaimed zombie comic book The Walking Dead has been filled! So who’s next to sign…
Uncategorized June 23, 2010
Good morning, dearest reader! Open up and say “AHHH” … it’s time for your daily dosage of details concerning AMC’s…
Uncategorized June 22, 2010
More information and images have rolled in for Frank Darabont’s adaptation of Robert Kirkman’s zombie epic The Walking Dead. This…
Uncategorized June 22, 2010
It seems like every day there’s something new to talk about regarding Frank Darabont’s adaptation of the Robert Kirkman zombie…