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Uncategorized June 21, 2010
I don’t think there’s a single other project we’re looking forward to more around the Dread Central offices than Frank…
June 18, 2010
Sheesh! At this rate we’re going to have to add a special “The Walking Dead” section to the site! In…
Uncategorized June 18, 2010
One young actress we’ve been anxiously keeping an eye is Emma Bell. She blew us away in Adam Green’s Frozen,…
Uncategorized June 16, 2010
And more casting news has come shambling in for Frank Darabont’s adaptation of the Robert Kirkman zombie epic The Walking…
June 15, 2010
Two words, dearest reader. Holy. Shit. You want undead anarchy? You want zombie chaos? These latest behind-the-scenes images from Frank…
Uncategorized June 15, 2010
AMC’s “The Walking Dead” is currently shooting in and around Atlanta, Georgia, and today we get our first look at…
Uncategorized June 14, 2010
Though many names have been added to the ever growing list of talent that will be fending off the flesh…
Uncategorized June 14, 2010
Well, it had to happen sooner or later. Finally the first news has come from the set of “The Walking…
Uncategorized June 10, 2010
One thing’s for sure: AMC isn’t being shy about promoting its upcoming series “The Walking Dead”. Maybe it really will…
Uncategorized June 10, 2010
One genre staple whom we’d love to see obtain some mainstream success is Michael Rooker, and based on the news…
Uncategorized June 9, 2010
October simply cannot get here fast enough! Why? Because we’ll have another reason to make that month our favorite time…
Uncategorized June 3, 2010
With an October release date rock solid, AMC is releasing all sorts of goodies for Frank Darabont’s small screen adaptation…