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Post Thumb: /may12/frankenweenies.jpg A new behind-the-scenes look at Tim Buton’s Frankenweenie landed on our doorstep, and we jolted it with…

Post Thumb: /may12/frankenweenies.jpg The second clip from Tim Burton’s next full length animated film, Frankenweenie, is here; and it’s absolutely…

Post Thumb: /may12/frankenweenies.jpg The first clip from Tim Burton’s next full length animated film, Frankenweenie, is finally here; and not…

Post Thumb: /may12/frankenweenies.jpg While we all wait patiently to find out if the feature length version of Frankenweenie is as…

Source Name: MTV Source Url: Post Thumb: /stock/news.jpg MTV has launched its annual fall movie preview and as a…

Source Name: London Film Festival Source Url: Post Thumb: /may12/frankenweenies.jpg Frankenweenie is making its European premiere by opening the…

Post Thumb: /may12/frankenweenies.jpg Man, today has been heavy on the news so we hope you cats are keeping up. While…

Post Thumb: /may12/frankenweenies.jpg You have all seen them and heard them. The vile inconsiderate bastards who go to the movies…

Post Thumb: /may12/frankenweenies.jpg Never before have we ever had such a strong urge to reach down and pet the living…

Source Name: Source Url: Post Thumb: /may12/frankenweenies.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/frankenweeniemp1x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/frankenweeniemp2x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/frankenweeniemp3x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/frankenweeniemp4x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/frankenweeniemp5x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/frankenweeniemp6x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/frankenweeniemp7x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/frankenweeniemp8x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/frankenweeniemp9x’,…

Post Thumb: /stock/comiccon.jpg If you thought that the old-school Frankenweenie was cool, brothers and sisters, you ain’t seen nothing yet!…