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While work officially began on what’s shaping up to be the ultimate documentary on the A Nightmare on Elm Street…

Rejoice, Elm Street fans, as something wicked this way comes. The director of His Name Was Jason is back with…

While there’s been plenty of coverage of the Platinum Dunes Nightmare on Elm Street remake kicking around the Interwebs, promotion…

There’s a certain amount of joy that goes along with having all the power and evil of your favorite serial…

Mez-Itz used to be the small, blocky figures from Mezco, made up like your favorite horror baddies and several original…

Now this has been a long time coming! You may remember a semi-regular column of bizarreness called The Buz: Horror…

Man, Gentle Giant just has a knack for creating collectibles that it’s very, very hard to not spend your money…

The guys at Gentle Giant have proven yet again why the have the best busts in the business. Wait, that…

Halloween is just around the corner, and chances are you’re going to wake up one morning in the not too…