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POST MORTEM host Mick Garris says that Freddy Krueger opens up more creative opportunities than his killer competitors.%%title%%

10 Killer Actors to Play New Freddy in Next NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET Movie including Bill Hader, Richard Brake, and…

Artist Charlie Prescott Creates Killer Hand-Painted Horror Knives featuring Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Ghostface, and Michael Myers

Who Should Replace Robert Englund as the New Freddy Krueger in the Next A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET Movie? Let…

Artist Creates Series Inspired by Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark Artwork with Slashers like Jason, Freddy, Candyman, Leatherface…

Zak Greene imagines a fight between Godzilla and... Freddy Krueger? The exercise will excite you and the "winner" may surprise…

YouTuber Tommy Ross has carved a niche creating concept videos for horror movies that don’t exist–but probably should! His latest…

Was it only a matter of time? Shrugs. Either way, yes, someone has taken those Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and…

Looking for something to binge this afternoon? Well, our buddies over at SyFy have you covered with a marathon of…

Robert Englund and Dead Sled Coffee have unleashed Robert Englund’s Nightmare Blend, a new coffee based on Freddy Krueger from…