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As the actor who’s become synonymous with Elm Street slasher Freddy Krueger, horror fans consider Robert Englund an elite genre…

What makes a villain iconic? Usually, they have an instantly identifiable and/or unique characteristic but accessories are also extremely important.…

NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET Reboot Update: Is THE CONJURING Franchise Keeping Freddy in the Boiler Room?
Yesterday, we shared Jimmy Champane’s video update on the current status of the Friday the 13th franchise, which has been…

It’s amazing what people will attempt to smuggle onto airplanes, even in our post-9/11 society. And I’m not just talking…

Sure, most of us never have to worry about being stalked by the bastard son of 1,000 maniacs in our…

When discussing what makes a horror villain iconic, many factors are taken into consideration. While quantity doesn’t always equal quality,…

When Freddy Krueger first burst onto the scene in 1984’s A Nightmare on Elm Street, much about the instantly-iconic slasher…

A privilege that Americans revere is that, if accused of a crime, we have the right to plead our innocence…

There are enough stories about the decades’-long saga to bring Freddy vs Jason to fruition to fill several volumes, so…

No, we’re not talking about a fan film or a comic book crossover—this actually happened! Even the most studied fans…

The Youtubers at Consequence of Sound have just put together an interesting video retrospective of the iconic villain from the…