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Uncategorized January 27, 2010
According to the official IFC website David Morlet’s French horror flick Mutants will be premiering on Direct OnDemand February 10th.…
Uncategorized August 17, 2009
For the life of us we can’t understand just why any supposed thrill-seekers would want to risk their very lives…
July 16, 2009
Reviewed by Evil Andy Starring Hélène de Fougerolles, Francis Renaud, Dida Diafat, Marie-Sohna Conde Directed by David Morley Mutants could…
Uncategorized April 16, 2009
Over on David Morley’s MySpace page he’s posted the one-sheet for his latest zombie film Mutants. Take a peek inside…
Uncategorized April 2, 2009
Five clips from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment went online today to celebrate the film’s DVD release on April 7th, 2009,…
Uncategorized April 2, 2009
Twitch Film got their hands on the full trailer for the new French Zombie-fest
Uncategorized March 2, 2009
Canadians are getting a special horror treat this week. According to, Peur(s) du Noir (Fears of the Dark) is…
Uncategorized February 19, 2009
A much slicker and more official teaser for the upcoming French film
Uncategorized February 3, 2009
We still don’t know what it is, exactly, that’s hunting down the explorers in Jacques-Olivier Molon’s
Uncategorized January 28, 2009
We just got a heads up that Sony has set a DVD release date for the Fabrice Du Welz shocker…
Uncategorized December 26, 2008
The freaks over at Twitch Film got their greasy, grimy hands on the first trailer for
Uncategorized December 10, 2008
Dig it; the MySpace page for the French zombie film Paris by Night of the Living Dead just added the…