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Sequels are a tricky thing. On one hand they’ll always have the strength of their predecessor to help push them…

Dread Central reader David K. brought the following trailer to our attention, which is being passed off by its maker…

Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, and Michael Myers – the best of the slashers and, in some cases, the originators of…

The Hudson Horror Show has become a must-attend event for horror fans in the Upstate New York area. Consistently featuring…

Source Name: Adam Green’s Blog on ArieScope Source Url: Post Thumb: /may13/adam-and-joe.jpg Adam Green is a man with too…

Post Thumb: /feb12/ddds.jpg This week on the Dungeon we continue our Women in Horror Month festivities! But this isn’t your…

Source Name: Creepy Tees Source Url: Post Thumb: /apr11/f13ts.jpg T-shirts. There’s no finer way to rock your love for…

Dread Central’s next final girl, Amy Steel, portrayed the lone surviving female in two horror films of the 80s. Her…

Given the success of this year’s remake of Friday the 13th (it did, after all, rake in a total domestic…

Reviewed by Uncle Creepy Starring Amy Steel, John Furey, Adrienne King, Stu Charno, Steve Dash Directed by Steve Miner Released…