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I like to think that, when writing her film Braid, director Mitzi Peirone was listening to the Stones’ timeless maxim:…

A few weeks ago, the trailer for Mary Harron’s latest film dropped. By the looks of it, Charlie Says endeavors…

Jim: “Hey, don’t do that. Look, Hannah is what Frank says she is, okay? She’s tough, and she’s strong, and…

When I was a freshman in high school, there was a pair of upperclassmen who were pretty nasty to me:…

When the first domestic poster for the latest shark blockbuster, The Meg, came out I was floored. A relatively minuscule…

In the same year that I Know What You Did Last Summer was released, a scandalous news story rocked the…

Trigger Warning: this piece talks frankly and honestly about rape and sexual assault, both in cinema and in the real…

*Contains spoilers for The Strangers, Funny Games, and The Purge* Many home invasion films, while not always strictly horror, play…

*Contains spoilers for Tragedy Girls* Of his 1960 proto-slasher that shocked audiences worldwide, director Michael Powell claimed, “(Peeping Tom is)…

It’s weird being both a woman and a horror fan. While the genre boasts the inclusion of strong women in…