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Source Name: Feature Film Auditions Source Url: Post Thumb: /apr11/gb3s.jpg You know when something just smells like bullshit? Apparently…

Source Name: The Hollywood Reporter Source Url: Post Thumb: /apr11/gb3s.jpg Like the fifth Beatle, a third wheel, the chick…

Who you gonna call? Franklin Delano Roosevelt?!? Yep, it looks as if yet another Bill Murray related bump has appeared…

Well, it’s a new week and you know what that means, right? You guessed it! More Ghostbusters 3 ridiculousness! This…

And the merry-go-round known as Ghostbusters 3 news keeps on spinning into 2011. This latest bit of non-news comes courtesy…

And what week would be complete without more Ghostbusters 3 non-news? Well, at the very least this time it’s coming…

Yep. You knew it was bound to happen. Once the casting rumors surrounding the fabled Ghostbusters 3 began we knew…

It just never stops. Every couple of weeks, sometimes even more frequently than that, more dirt is dished about the…

Talk about madness! We’re not even sure if we care anymore. Awwww. Who are we kidding? Of course we care!…

A bit more on the progress of Ghostbusters 3, this time coming from Dan Aykroyd himself, who revealed that things…

Round and round we go. Every few weeks some more Ghostbusters 3 news rears its head; yet, we’re still not…