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Check out our list of the 10 Best Horror Movies of 2021 So Far (April Edition) including Lucky, Godzilla vs…
New fan theory explored by our friends at DangerVille suggests the "Hollow Earth Lizard" may in fact be Godzilla's son!…
Artist creates truly incredible wood carvings based on YOU'RE NEXT director Adam Wingard's recent epic mega-hit monster mash GODZILLA VS.…
You're Next and The Guest director Adam Wingard says he'd love to do a GODZILLA VS KONG sequel that further…
Legendary teamed up with Nerdist and Terra Virtua HQ on a rare digital collectible of Mechagodzilla from GODZILLA VS KONG
Animal behavioral ecologist Dr. Marc Bekoff in CoS, Isaac Feldberg looks at Adam Wingard's Godzilla vs Kong through the lens…
Telsa & SpaceX CEO Elon Musk calls Godzilla vs Kong the "Most insane movie I’ve ever seen!" and a "Love…
How You're Next and The Guest director Adam Wingard's epic new monster mash GODZILLA VS KONG won Mike over at…
As part of their licensing agreement with Legendary, Toho demanded Godzilla remain emotionless in GODZILLA VS KONG
You're Next and The Guest director Adam Wingard’s epic new monster mash GODZILLA VS KONG has managed to snag an…