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Uncategorized May 1, 2008
I am not sure how many readers we have from South America, but RIOFAN (Rio Fantastic Film Festival) is something…
Uncategorized April 23, 2008
If there’s any one actor whose name is most associated with films based on the works of H.P. Lovecraft, it…
April 2, 2008
Reviewed by Kryten Syxx Starring Conor Timmis, Jesse Murphy and Derek Meinecke Directed by Gary Fierro H.P. Lovecraft looks to…
Uncategorized February 12, 2008
The last time we looked at SOTA Toys‘ upcoming 14″ tall resin Cthulhu statue, we knew it was coming in…
Uncategorized February 5, 2008
Now this is what I’m talking about! Though we’ve not seen much from SOTA Toys in a long time, they…
Uncategorized November 18, 2007
I’ve not seen Ivan Zuccon’s adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s Shunned House, though I have heard some good things about his…
Uncategorized October 3, 2007
It’s always great to see people get a chance to work on their passion projects. According to The Latino Review,…
Uncategorized September 30, 2007
A while back we gave you all a heads up about the next film from the HP Lovecraft Historical Society,…
September 6, 2007
Reviewed by D.W. Bostaph Starring Jason Cottle, Scott Green, Dennis Kleinsmith, Tori Spelling Directed by Dan Gildark I have been…
July 26, 2007
Reviewed by Johnny Butane Starring Melanie Donihoo, Jovan Jackson, Jame Lemarr, Morgan McCarthy Directed by Mel House Lovecraft’s world isn’t…
Uncategorized July 23, 2007
This weekend we got the word about a very cool new documentary in the works about Rhode Island’s favorite son,…
Uncategorized June 5, 2007
Dreamland Toyworks, distributors of THE FUCKING BEST vinyl toys on the market today, dropped us a line about a little…