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In case you’ve forgotten, Xombie: Dead on Arrival – The Complete Flash Series is hitting DVD on March 31, 2009,…

One deal that seemingly slipped through the cracks at this year’s AFM was Halo 8’s acquisition of James Farr’s animated…

Our buddies at Halo-8 Entertainment have put together a quick trivia contest in which the first ten people to respond…

Reviewed by Debi Moore Starring Kristen Kerr, Lizzy Strain, Trent Haaga, Sarah Scott, Cinqué Lee, Amie Nicole, Masuimi Max Written…

As if the month of October weren’t crowded enough what with all the various cons, film fests, parties, and of…

One new movie I haven’t heard much about until now is Ramzi Abed’s The Devil’s Muse, but that’s all about…