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Back in 2013, one of the biggest supermarket chains in the UK issued a public apology for stocking the family-unfriendly The…

As has become the norm for Netflix, the genre selection in November (and December, for that matter) is a bit…

With its US and Canadian release date fast approaching, a new trailer has arrived for Harbinger Down along with a…

A new international trailer for Harbinger Down, a tense, claustrophobic creature film that will feature only practical animatronic and makeup…

Back in May of 2013 we told you about Harbinger Down, a tense, claustrophobic creature film that will feature only…

Post Thumb: /may13/harbinger-down-posters-s.jpg Back in May of 2013 we told you about Harbinger Down, a tense, claustrophobic creature film that…

Post Thumb: /may13/harbinger-down-posters-s.jpg Back in May of 2013 we told you about Harbinger Down, a tense, claustrophobic creature film that…

Post Thumb: /may13/harbinger-down-posters-s.jpg Back in May of 2013 we told you about Harbinger Down, a tense, claustrophobic creature film that…

Post Thumb: /may13/harbinger-down-posters-s.jpg Back in May of 2013 we told you about Harbinger Down, a tense, claustrophobic creature film that…

Post Thumb: /may13/harbinger-down-posters-s.jpg Right now we have the kind of news we love to end the work week with. We…