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Post Thumb: /aug13/bounty-killer-art-s.jpg The grindhouse-style Bounty Killer is heading to home video on October 29th, and we have your chance…
Post Thumb: /aug13/bounty-killer-art-s.jpg The grindhouse-style flick Bounty Killer hit theaters on September 6 and lands on DVD in October. But…
Post Thumb: /aug13/bounty-killer-art-s.jpg While not necessarily horror, the post-apocalyptic action flick Bounty Killer immediately piqued our interests due to its…
Post Thumb: /aug13/bounty-killer-art-s.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/gallery/bountykiller/bountykiller1x’, ‘/gallery/bountykiller/bountykiller2x’, ‘/gallery/bountykiller/bountykiller3x’, ‘/gallery/bountykiller/bountykiller4x’, ‘/gallery/bountykiller/bountykiller5x’, ‘/gallery/bountykiller/bountykiller6x’, ‘/gallery/bountykiller/bountykiller7x’, ‘/gallery/bountykiller/bountykiller8x’, ‘/gallery/bountykiller/bountykiller9x’, ‘/gallery/bountykiller/bountykiller10x’, ‘/gallery/bountykiller/bountykiller11x’, ‘/gallery/bountykiller/bountykiller12x’, ‘/gallery/bountykiller/bountykiller13x’, ‘/gallery/bountykiller/bountykiller14x’, ‘/gallery/bountykiller/bountykiller15x’,…
Starring Kyle Davis, Devin McGinn, Barak Hardley, Ethan Wilde Directed by Henry Saine Distributed by Kaleidoscope Home Entertainment H.P. Lovecraft’s…
Following last evening’s raucous Cinefamily LA premiere of director Henry Saine’s wickedly funny horror-comedy The Last Lovecraft: The Relic of…
We’re around a week or so out from Dark Sky’s release of The Last Lovecraft: The Relic of Cthulhu onto…
Reviewed by Kalebson Starring Kyle Davis, Devin Mcginn, Barak Hardley, Gregg Lawrence Directed by Henry Saine Distributed by Dark Sky…
While the badly Photoshopped cover art leaves a lot to be desired, the bonus features for Dark Sky’s release of…
Finally some news regarding the DVD release of Henry Saine’s horror comedy The Last Lovecraft: The Relic of Cthulhu has…
It took a while, but one of this year’s Slamdance films, director Henry Saine’s horror comedy The Last Lovecraft: The…