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Cover art: reviews/here-comes-the-devil-blu-ray-s.jpg Starring Laura Caro, Francisco Barreiro, Alan Martinez, Michele Garcia Directed by Adrian Garcia Bogliano Distributed by Magnet…

Post Thumb: /feb14/here-comes-the-devil-blu-ray-s.jpg After racking up critical acclaim at the 2012 Fantastic Fest and finding itself on many Top 10…

Post Thumb: /jul12/hctds.jpg Time to kick off your work week in spooky style, kids! On tap right now is an…

Post Thumb: /jul12/hctds.jpg Our friends over at Bloody Disgusting just scored themselves the first red band trailer for Adrian Garcia…

Source Name: Ain’t it Cool Source Url: Post Thumb: /jul12/hctds.jpg Magnet Releasing has just unveiled the newest one-sheet for…

Post Thumb: /jun12/fanfs.jpg One of the greatest film festivals on the face of the planet, Fantastic Fest in Austin, Texas,…

Post Thumb: /jul12/hctds.jpg A bit of cool distribution news has come out of Fantastic Fest as Magnet Releasing has snapped…