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Post Thumb: /may13/i-frankenstein-s.jpg It’s been a bit hard to keep track of I, Frankenstein this year, considering the release date…

Post Thumb: /may13/i-frankenstein-s.jpg It took us awhile to get this story up as MattFini was hoarding the following image like…

Post Thumb: /may13/i-frankenstein-s.jpg Evan Dickson from Bloody Disgusting just wrote in with some comments from Underworld star Kevin Grevioux regarding…

Post Thumb: /may13/i-frankenstein-s.jpg Hovering above the main and massive San Diego Comic-Con ballroom is a new banner in promotion of…

Post Thumb: /may13/i-frankenstein-s.jpg From Comic Book Resources, MTV, and Slash Film come a trio of new one-sheets in support of…

Source Name: Entertainment Weekly Source Url: Post Thumb: /may13/i-frankenstein-s.jpg Finally a really good look at Aaron Eckhart in Lionsgate’s…

Source Name: IGN Source Url: Post Thumb: /may13/i-frankenstein-s.jpg The first official artwork has arrived via IGN for Sony’s often…

Post Thumb: /dec11/ifrankthumb.jpg In terms of making its way from the page to the big screen, I, Frankenstein has had…

Source Name: The Hollywood Reporter Source Url: Post Thumb: /dec11/ifrankthumb.jpg Now here’s something interesting… THR is reporting that Lionsgate…

Source Name: Deadline Source Url: Post Thumb: /dec11/ifrankthumb.jpg Just when we thought things were finally rock solid for Lionsgate…

Source Name: Hearld Sun Source Url: Post Thumb: /dec11/ifrankthumb.jpg With I, Frankenstein filming now Down Under, images from the…